The food we consume has a significant role in causing hay fever symptoms. 

It is crucial to know that most hay fever-related problems are caused by excess phlegm production in the lungs.  

From the Ayurveda’s hot and cold perspective, to control the creation of excess phlegm, characteristically cold phlegm, we need an opposing remedy that is characteristically hot. 

Along with food, even the food’s temperature influences the hay fever symptoms. Therefore, drinking cold water is prohibited in hay fever and drinking warm water is encouraged. The temperature of the water affects our body and the symptoms of hay fever.  

Similarly, the temperature at night is lower than that of the day. The coldness of the night affects the hay fever symptoms and may aggravate them. Some other factors play a role in worsening the hay fever symptoms at night, such as the dinner you have or the late-night snack, or maybe the temperature of your Air Conditioning.  

Food given in the below list is a good source of generating heat in the body to control the worsening of hay fever at night. 

• Ginger 

• Cumin 

• Honey 

• Coconut 

• Carom seeds 

• Black pepper 

• Nutmeg 

• Turmeric 

• Hibiscus 

• Chillies 

From Ayurveda Perspective, the above-listed foods are warm. They make the body warm and helps in respiratory system problems as most respiratory system problems are caused due to excess phlegm. 

Ayurveda states that the hot and cold body balance can be maintained through the daily food and the environment. Fortunately, with the help of some specific but straightforward daily food preparations, the cold and heat imbalance can be addressed, and the symptoms of the imbalance caused by excess phlegm can be effectively managed. 

Avoiding food that creates coldness in the body and consuming food that generates heat in the body can work magic in getting long term relief from Lung health-related problems such as Hay fever, Asthma, and other phlegm related problems.  

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