Beer is brewed from cereals like malted barley, wheat, corn, rice, and oats. It is obtained by yeast fermentation of these grains. The alcohol in beer comes mainly from the metabolism of sugar that is produced during fermentation. The amount of fermentable sugar in the wort and the type of yeast used to ferment it are the prime factors that determine the amount of alcohol in the final concoction. 

Beer may worsen the symptoms of hay fever; it is not only the alcohol that triggers your symptoms but also the food that intensifies the symptoms of hay fever, especially when people who have Kapha dosha consume alcohol, dairy products, certain fruits, rice, and foods that are characteristically cold.   

According to Ayurveda, primarily all diseases or illnesses occur because of the food and drinks that we consume. Thus, Ayurveda diets are specially customized for different body types, which helps treat the imbalance your body is suffering from.  

The Ayurvedic properties of beer are that it is dry, heavy, hot, and toxic. According to Ayurveda, dry is defined as lacking moisture, fat, or anything that leads to diuresis. Heavy is defined as sedating, sluggish, or something that contributes to weight gain. Hot is something that increases body temperature, metabolism, and inflammation. Toxic is defined as a substance that causes toxicity in the body or something that harms the body.  

Beer pacifies Vata dosha and aggravates pitta and Kapha dosha. Therefore, chilled beer might worsen the symptoms of hay fever. Beer also has an impact on the liver. When taken in excess, it is said to aggravate all three doshas.  

Ayurveda makes it evident that alcohol can reach the heart quickly, interferes with the purity of mind, and causes intoxication. Prolonged use of alcohol in excessive quantities can damage nearly every organ in your body.  

Alcohol affects people of Kapha dosha by giving them nausea, vomiting, lack of interest in food, excess sleep, and making you feel tired all the time. Alcoholic drinks like red and white wine, cider, and beer are likely to trigger hay fever symptoms as they contain high levels of histamine.  

If you have hay fever or allergies, you can opt for gin and tonic rather than chilled beer. Besides, wine prepared from sugar can juice can be beneficial for weight loss, enhancing digestion, curing hemorrhoids, improving skin complexion, and alleviating Kapha disorders. However, it might elevate pitta and Vata dosha. Ayurveda also states that cereal-based alcohols increase Kapha dosha.  

By eating a healthy diet that is ideal for your body type, you can achieve optimal health. 

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