Human beings are born with a primary immune system that is weak. Due to the constant interaction with various microbes in our environment and within our gut, our body adapts and learns to fight against pathogens, strengthening our immune system. 

As described in modern medicine, immunity is the functioning of cells, enzymes, and immunomodulatory chemicals that fight pathogens and prevent diseases. However, over the years, people are not careful about the food they eat. This disrupts the gut flora and gives rise to diseases. 

According to the principles of Ayurveda, diseases are classified as Nija and Aganthu. Nija diseases are caused by an imbalance in your body because of natural tendencies; whereas, Aganthu is caused due to external factors such as injuries, physical and mental. 

Prakriti is an inherited property of every individual since birth, which cannot be changed throughout your lifetime. It is based on mental and physical nature. 

The seven types of sharirik prakriti are as follows – 

  1. Vata Prakriti: People with this prakriti have a thin physique, low body weight, dry and cracked skin, very active nature, and are intolerant to cold. They are fearful, moody, and unpredictable.  

 Foods that have hot and sweet properties are beneficial for these people. As these people have irregular digestion, they should follow a well-planned dietary routine. They should eat in small quantities. Foods that are dry, cold and have an astringent property should be avoided. 

  1. Pitta Prakriti: People with this prakriti have a medium physique, moderate body weight, soft skin but are prone to acne and freckles and are intolerant to heat. They are aggressive, sharp, jealous, and impatient. 

 Foods that are cold, dry, sweet and bitter are beneficial for these people. Foods that are hot, pungent and sharp are harmful to these people.  

  1. Kapha Prakriti: People with this prakriti have a broad physique, may be overweight, have thick, oily skin with a clear complexion, and tolerate both cold and heat. They are calm, attached and likeable.  

 Foods that are hot, dry, and pungent are beneficial for these people. At the same time, foods that are sweet, cold, heavy in property are harmful to these people. 

  1. Vata Pitta Prakriti 
  1. Pitta Kapha Prakriti 
  1. Kapha Vata Prakriti 
  1. Tridosha 

Vata Pitta Prakriti, Pitta Kapha Prakriti, Kapha Vata Prakriti and Tridosha are people who have a combination of the prakritis. 

An individual’s unique ratio of Vata, Pitta and Kapha defines their Ayurvedic constitution, which serves as a blueprint for determining and maintaining their health. 

This blueprint explains the importance of food in our day-to-day life. The food we eat has a profound impact on our health. 

People with kapha prakriti react very quickly to seasonal allergies because of the foods they eat. Certain products like dairy, rice, cold foods, some fruits like bananas, watermelons, pineapples, etc., are known to trigger allergies. Thus, to control these allergies, people with kapha prakriti should consume foods with inherited hot properties. 

Similarly, people with pitta prakriti are prone to acid reflux, stomach ulcers, gallbladder, bile and liver disorders. These people should consume foods that have inherited cold property. 

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