Yes, hay fever can cause swollen, watery/itchy eyes. The tear is also a defence mechanism that works together with blinking to rinse the eye’s exterior and gets extraneous bodies out like particles of dust and pollen out of the eye.

However, inflammation in the eyes is a normal reaction of the body only in response to dangerous microorganisms. An allergic reaction to pollen is a sign that something’s wrong with the immune system. Pollen should not trigger inflammation because it is not dangerous to the eye.

You must be wondering how can the immune system be so selective and know the difference between a bacteria or virus and a particle of dust or pollen, but it is really that selective. 

Do you know that microorganisms live in your eyes, and the immune system doesn’t attack them because they are beneficial?

But if a dangerous bacteria falls into your eye, the immune system will detect it and attack it without harming the beneficial microorganisms or causing inflammation. 

Of course, this only happens if your immune system is healthy, which is very rare these days because most people forgot how to eat right.

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