Bananas are filled with nutrition, providing significant amounts of fibre, potassium, manganese and vitamins B-6 and C. If you are suffering from hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis, bananas could worsen your symptoms. You may want to avoid bananas at least during hay fever season to help minimize or even control your symptoms. 

Modern allopathic medicine says hay fever symptoms worsen after eating bananas because they have similar proteins to those found in some of the things that cause hay fever. These similar proteins may confuse your immune system, and that confusion might bring on the symptoms of an allergic reaction. 

From the perspective of Ayurveda, a healthy body has a balance of hot and cold, and lung health problems are related to excess coldness in the body. Phlegm is cold in nature. So, excess mucus is a sign of imbalance. The symptoms of excess phlegm in the lungs and hay fever have many uncanny similarities.  

Based on the principles of Ayurveda, bananas have the properties of coldness and should be avoided when suffering from hay fever. Even when not suffering from hay fever or cold, eating a banana at night is unsafe according to Ayurveda. One should not consume bananas at night because it aggravates cough and cold. 

Instead of healing the hay fever symptoms, eating bananas increases cough and phlegm related problems in our body. 

Not only when suffering from hay fever, but even the other times bananas should be avoided and not consumed in the below combination. 

• Avoid the combination of milk and bananas 

• Do not consume banana and yoghurt together 

• Avoid drinking liquids within an hour of eating a banana 

According to Ayurveda, our body’s hot and cold body balance can be restored and maintained through daily food. The coldness and heat imbalance can be addressed through some specific but straightforward daily food preparations. 

You can refer to our hay fever relief guide for recipes infused with the list of hot foods. Once you follow the hay fever guide, you don’t have to live with annoying symptoms. You can learn to control triggers and find the proper treatment through us.

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