How to relieve pollen allergies without medicine?

How to relieve pollen allergies without medicine?

Even though there is no permanent cure for hay fever, you can permanently control the symptoms of hay fever based on your food intake.   • For 3-5 days, drink plenty of hot water with grated fresh ginger or honey; this will help digest toxins and regulate digestion.   • Favour foods that are warm and nourishing…

Hay fever relief products in the market

Hay fever relief products in the market

Below are the hay fever products used to manage the individual or collective symptoms of hay fever. 1.         Bands 2.         Balm/Gel 3.         Medications 4.         Decongestion 5.         Jabs 6.         Air-purifying humidifiers 7.         Nasal spray 8.         Nasal filters 9.         Wrap-around sunglasses 10.       Wipes 11.       Eye drops 12.       Eye masks BANDS: Hay fever armbands are known to be a natural and drug-free alternative to help relieve the symptoms of hay…

What foods trigger hay fever?

What foods trigger hay fever?

According to Ayurveda, certain types of foods trigger allergies. Dairy products, rice and rice products, fruits like apples, bananas, guavas, lychees, pineapples, watermelons, muskmelons, cucumbers, grapes and products made from them, and cold food can act as triggers to hay fever.  This happens because from the Ayurveda perspective every food we consume has an innate cold or hot property. Hot foods enhance digestion…

Does chocolate help hay fever?

Does chocolate help hay fever?

Chocolate does not help you in managing the physical symptoms of hay fever; milk chocolate worsens them. However, vegan or dark chocolates definitely helps in making you feel better. Dark chocolate and cocoa contain an amino acid called tryptophan that the brain uses to produce the neurotransmitter Serotonin, which can increase feelings of overall happiness….

What foods trigger hay fever?

What foods trigger hay fever?

According to Ayurveda, certain types of foods trigger allergies. Dairy products, rice, and rice products, fruits like apples, bananas, guavas, lychees, pineapples, watermelons, muskmelons, cucumbers, grapes, and products made from them, and cold food can act as triggers to hay fever.  This happens because from the Ayurveda perspective every food we consume has an innate cold or hot property. Hot foods enhance digestion…

What can make hay fever worse?

What can make hay fever worse?

According to NHS inform, Scotland’s national health information service, most people with hay fever are allergic to grass pollen. When they come in contact with grass pollen, their allergies become worse. Trees and weeds can also worsen hay fever. Research suggests that pollution, such as cigarette smoke or car exhaust fumes, can make allergies worse. …