Sore throat also brings pain with it. At times when our throat gets spasms of pain, or while we eat hard food, our inflamed throat starts to pain. This is when you can apply a heating pad or a hot towel around your neck to relieve the delicate aching area.  

While sore throat may be a very common issue for many with the change in season, we tend to stick to our everyday habits even at such times and do not change with the environment around us. Avoid smoking, drinking, caffeinated drinks, cold drinks, consuming oily and fried foods and exercising. This is because while exercising will exert your body and will not let it heal faster, consumption of foods and liquids with an excess of processed items will end up harming your throat more than you think. This is because it will lead to dehydrating, drying and irritating your throat when it should be healing itself. 

Soup/broth – traditional soups might be hard on a sore throat, but a warm (not hot) broth can soothe the throat and go down easy. 

A saltwater gargle – mix one teaspoon of table salt with 8 ounces of warm water. Gargle the mixture for 15 to 30 seconds, then spit it out. Add one half-teaspoon baking soda with the saltwater to kill bacteria as well.  Drink one glass of clean, quality water every two hours during the day. 

Drink plenty of herbal teas, vegetable juices, and broths. Increasing the amount of liquid will help loosen mucus. Avoid oily and fried food. 

Here are a few recipes you can make at home that will give you relief from the symptoms of hay fever such as hay fever cough and Hay fever sore throat:

Lemon, Ginger and Honey

Lemon, Ginger and Honey relieve the pain in the throat. It can be used as a syrup or turn into a warm, soothing drink. Take a spoon of syrup every time you feel your throat is scratchy. The drink can be relished by anyone, with cold water as a summer refresher or in winter, with warm water to comfort. 

1⁄2 lime or lemon 

1 cm long Ginger piece, 2 tsp honey or more
1⁄4 tsp Cinnamon powder 4/5 black peppercorns 


Syrup: Wash the lime and ginger well and keep it in saltwater for 10/15 minutes if it is not organic. Chop the lime with its peel, remove seeds. If you use a big yellow lemon then remove the white pectin (thick spongy layer) from the middle and from the bottom because it makes the syrup bitter. Clean the ginger, chop it into small pieces. Grind the lemon pieces with peel and ginger in a grinder. Add honey, make a smooth paste as you want. Ground peppercorn and add that and cinnamon powder into the mix. Run it in a grinder to mix well. Make it sweet as per your taste by adjusting honey. Store it in a jar. Take one teaspoon of this syrup.

You can store it in the freeze. Take it out of the freeze an hour before you want to have it, just to make sure it has room temperature. 

Note: Lemon size and ginger size cannot be accurately measured, so just make sure you are not adding too much ginger else it will become spicy. You can adjust the quantity of lemon and ginger such a way that lemon is prominent. 

Turmeric water


1 pinch of turmeric

1 glass of water


Add one pinch of turmeric to a glass of warm water, stir it well and drink it in the morning on an empty stomach.

Makes your skin glow and reduces acne. 


Honey is a time-honoured remedy for a sore throat. According to one, it can also relieve coughs more effectively than OTC medications that contain dextromethorphan (DM), a cough suppressant.

You can create your own remedy at home by mixing up to 2 teaspoons of honey with herbal tea or warm water and lemon. 

The honey does the soothing, while the lemon juice can help with congestion.

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