Applying Vaseline around your nostrils is recommended as an effective treatment by the NHS as well as fellow hay fever sufferers. Vaseline is recommended because dabbing it around your nose or eyes can help to trap pollen. 

However, it is crucial to know that pollen isn’t a cause for hay fever but only a trigger. Based on the perspective of an ancient medicine system Ayurveda, Hay fever is a symptom of the saturated dry cough/phlegm in the lungs that gets triggered by pollen in the air, animal fur and dust.  

The dabbed Vaseline around your nose or eyes effectively creates a barrier balm, collecting and trapping the pollen before you breathe it in. When an external particle (pollen) is inhaled, it irritates and pokes the dry cough accumulated over the years in your lungs, causing Hay fever. 

So when the question is asked if Vaseline helps hay fever, the answer to that will be yes, to some extent. Vaseline helps in trapping the triggers for hay fever but nothing more than that.  

An allergic reaction to pollen is a sign that something’s wrong with the immune system. Pollen should not trigger inflammation because it is not dangerous to the eye or the nose. If it were, it would have affected each and every person living and breathing outdoors.  

From the Ayurveda perspective, a healthy body or a healthy immune system has a balance of hotness and coldness. Lung health problems are related to excess coldness. An important thing to remember is that phlegm is cold in nature. Excessive phlegm and phlegm related symptoms are an indicator of that imbalance. 

Few more things to consider are how feasible applying Vaseline is, though? How much can you dab around your nose when you have to go on an outdoor date? Or walk into an early morning meeting. Balancing your diet is much better, easy and less embarrassing. 

So, for anyone suffering from hay fever symptoms, remember that the foods we eat makes us or breaks us. Therefore, avoiding food that creates coldness in the body and consuming food that makes heat in the body can work miracles to get long-term relief from Hay fever and other phlegm related problems. 

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