Years ago, many powerful medications could only be obtained by prescription. However, now, many of them are available Over The Counter (OTC). There is a wide range of options that may confuse an individual trying to decide on the right product. 

Is it about the right product giving instant relief, or is it about the long-term effects of that product? 

Unfortunately, there are several different types of allergy medications, but they only treat the symptom and not the cause. So, it gives you temporary relief and again knocks on your door, which becomes a vicious never-ending cycle. Here are a few of the major common categories of medication and what they’re for: 


Antihistamines are for symptoms like sneezing, itchy eyes, and a runny nose. 

Antihistamines usually act quickly. However, these medications tend to lose effects after several weeks of daily use. Certain types also can cause drowsiness. 

Intranasal corticosteroids 

Also referred to as nasal steroids, intranasal corticosteroids can help reduce sneezing, nasal congestion, and runny nose that common hay fever symptoms. 

Nasal steroids can take longer to figure than antihistamines. People say that they’re better fitted to long-term use in people with hay-fever allergies, which means that it does not cure anything but just gives temporary relief.  


Decongestants are often taken in either oral or nasal versions to relieve a stuffy nose or sinus pressure caused by allergies. However, they’re only suitable for short-term use and should not be effective after 3-7 days.  

Antihistamine eye drops 

Many eye drops are available OTC to relieve swelling, redness, or itchiness.  

Antihistamine eye drops, like decongestants, are best for relieving symptoms instead of preventing them or finding the cause and treating them.  

The unavoidably dangerous part is that all the hay fever OTC medications have side effects.  

The most effective way to focus on the cause of hay fever is through the food we eat. Our food habits determine the kind of diseases we may suffer. It’s crucial to maintain the balance of the foods we eat and consciously remember to eat right. 

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