Even though there is no permanent cure for hay fever, you can permanently control the symptoms of hay fever based on your food intake.  

• For 3-5 days, drink plenty of hot water with grated fresh ginger or honey; this will help digest toxins and regulate digestion.  

• Favour foods that are warm and nourishing but easy to digest, such as soups, grains and leafy green vegetables.  

• Minimise the time you spend outside on a cold day or night.  

• Keep windows closed at night when you sleep and keep the room warm.  

• Avoid substances that are mucus-producing such as dairy products, apple, banana, lychee and rice.  

• Wash your face and hands with warm water.  

• Change the sheets every day.  

• Use essential oils mixed with coconut oil in bath water (careful with the proportions) to rinse your clogged ears and release stress at least twice a day. 

Herbal teas for hay fever  

Certain herbs have a natural antihistamine effect. Opt for green tea, chamomile, elderflower, ginger, peppermint and anise to limit the impact of hay fever and sip these herbal teas throughout the day. They will also help to keep you hydrated, so it’s a win-win.  

Biotin for hayfever  

Biotin is a B vitamin that helps maintain the healthy function of mucous membranes, which can be found in your nose, sinuses, throat and even the tear ducts.  

Chillies and hot peppers 

Adding chillies and hot red peppers to your diet will naturally open up the nasal passage and decongest a blocked-up nose. Chillies contain the hot chemical capsaicin, so when eaten, any uncomfortable nasal blockages caused by hay fever will be cleansed away naturally.  

Apple cider vinegar  

Apple Cider Vinegar is a remedy that has been used for an extended period to treat a variety of health conditions, and allergy relief is one of them. Apple Cider Vinegar can reduce mucus production and cleanse the lymphatic system, which makes it an excellent natural remedy for seasonal allergies. Apple Cider Vinegar also works to support our immune system! 

For allergy relief, mix 1 Tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar with 1 Tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon and drink 3x per day for the best results. 

Ditch the booze  

Certain alcoholic beverages can make hay fever worse. 

Some Alcoholic drinks are characteristically cold or enjoyed chilled, which can make hay fever worse.  

Certain beverages could trigger asthma symptoms or make hay fever worse. Sulphites, which are found in drinks such as white wine, can also exacerbate hay fever symptoms.  


Inhaling hot water steam is a way of treating hayfever cough and hayfever sore throat. Take hot water in a large bowl and bend over the steam released by it. Cover your head with a towel to inhale the steam properly. Taking hot steam can clear the nasal passage and also treat the runny nose. It is also an effective remedy for cold and flu. Studies suggest that taking steam can reduce illness recovery time by about one week.  


There is really no underestimating how important it is to get a good night of sleep, especially if you are suffering from hayfever.  

Sleep can help the body repair itself and allow your mind to work through any issues or challenges you might have come across throughout your day. When you cannot sleep, it can have highly negative consequences for the rest of your body, particularly your stress levels.  

This then forms a vicious cycle when you feel anxious or apprehensive; it can affect your sleep pattern, with one symptom enabling the other and exhausting your immune system at this crucial time. 

Rest and relax 

It might be challenging to achieve if your hayfever symptoms are stressing you out, but getting plenty of rest and relaxation during this time is crucial to helping your body recover. If you are constantly busy, anxious or finding it difficult to switch off, your body will try to produce adrenalin. This chemical can trigger histamine release, worsening your symptoms and placing additional stress on your immune system. 

If you run a busy household, ‘me time’ might seem like a pipe-dream, but in fact, it is crucial. Take some time out from your hectic lifestyle to sleep, indulge in a hot bath or watch a funny film to destress yourself.  

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