Besides making your life hell, hay fever can affect your performance at work or school and generally interfere with your life. It makes you feel depressed and hopeless. When something has such an impact on your life, it is crucial to know what will trigger hay fever.

According to the mayo clinic, hay fever signs and symptoms may begin or worsen at a specific time of the year. Triggers are as below: Tree pollen, which is common in early spring. Grass pollen, which is common in late spring and summer. Ragweed pollen, expected in fall. Dust mites, cockroaches and dander from pets can be troublesome year-round (perennial). Symptoms caused by dander might worsen in winter when houses are closed up. Spores from indoor and outdoor fungi and moulds are considered both seasonal and perennial. HOWEVER, Based on the principles of Ayurveda, Hay fever is a symptom of the saturated dry cough/phlegm in the lungs that gets triggered by pollen in the air, animal fur and dust. When an external particle (pollen) is inhaled, it irritates and pokes the dry cough accumulated over the years in your lungs, causing Hay fever. According to Ayurveda, some of the things that trigger hay fever are as below: Dairy and dairy products Rice and rice products Fruits and things made up using fruits Cold temperature and drinking cold water From the Ayurveda perspective, a healthy body has a balance of hot and cold. Lung health problems are related to excess coldness, and phlegm is an indicator of that imbalance. Approximately 18 million people suffer from hay fever in the UK, increasing every year with no permanent cure. However, you don’t have to be one of them.  Avoiding food that creates coldness in the body and consuming food that makes heat in the body can work like magic to get long-term relief from Hay fever and other phlegm related problems. From the perspective of Ayurveda, a healthy body has a balance of hot and cold, and lung health problems are related to excess coldness in the body. Phlegm is cold in nature. So, excess mucus is a sign of imbalance. The symptoms of excess phlegm in the lungs and hay fever have many similarities.  From the Ayurveda perspective, our body’s hot and cold body balance can be restored and maintained through daily food. The coldness and heat imbalance can be addressed through some specific but straightforward daily food preparations. Avoiding food that creates coldness in the body and consuming food that makes heat in the body can work magic to get long-term relief from Hay fever and other phlegm related problems. Food such as ginger, coconut, turmeric, carom seeds, cumin, honey, hibiscus, chillies, black pepper and nutmeg are excellent sources of generating heat in the body which will help you survive in the hay fever season. You can refer to our hay fever relief guide for recipes infused with the above list of food. Once you follow the hay fever guide, you don’t have to live with irritating symptoms. You can learn to avoid triggers and find the proper treatment through us. 

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